Helper apps: CLOSED

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Mar 7, 2016
Hello Foxcrafters!

Due to several inactive staff resigning or being demoted, we are looking for more staff members. Helpers to be more specific!

Please make sure you can atleast dedicate around 1/2 hours a day on moderating Foxcraft. Both on forums and ingame.

What does a helper do?
A helper basically helps around the server by muting spammers and advertisers. They also tempban hackers (1h) and report these hackers to the moderators (with proof) to get the reported user perm banned.

Helpers will be coupled to a moderator, like a tutor. Helpers can ask any questions or concerns to the moderator they are coupled with. Or of course an admin if you don't feel like asking your tutor.

You can apply in this section of the forums:

Make sure you follow the Helper application format. If you don't, your application will be denied.
Best is to simply copy and paste the format and fill it out. Please use normal letters and colors instead of trying to make it look strange.

Minimum age requirement: 12 years or older.

@Mechz and I will be picking around 5 to 6 new helpers.
Also, make sure to read this thread by @11kobeer.

Apps are closing the 28th of February

Good luck!

- Cloakfox
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Only two helpers made it out from the last apps? Damn many Helpers rip before even being promoted, good luck to everyone who's applying.
Hello Foxcrafters!

Due to several inactive staff resigning or being demoted, we are looking for more staff members. Helpers to be more specific!

You can apply in this section of the forums:

Make sure you follow the Helper application format. If you don't, your application will be denied.
Best is to simply copy and paste the format and fill it out. Please use normal letters and colors instead of trying to make it look strange.

Minimum age requirement: 12 years or older.

Me and @Mechz will be picking around 5 to 6 new helpers.
Also, make sure to read this thread by @11kobeer.

Apps are closing 28 february

Good luck!

- Cloakfox
Mechz and I*

Good luck for whoever is applying! My money is on absolutely nobody since most of the applicants will probably be: inactive on forum, inactive in game, wrong format, not requiered age, immature , abusive and the list goes on.

@Mechz , @cloakfox please dont dissapoint the community, pick carefully.

Good luck!
Hello Foxcrafters!

Due to several inactive staff resigning or being demoted, we are looking for more staff members. Helpers to be more specific!

Please make sure you can atleast dedicate around 1/2 hours a day on moderating Foxcraft. Both on forums and ingame.

What does a helper do?
A helper basicly helps around the server by muting spammers and advertisers. They also tempban hackers (1h) and report these hackers to the moderators (with proof) to get the reported user perm banned.

Helpers will be coupled to a moderator, like a tutor. Helpers can ask any questions or concerns to the moderator they are coupled with. Or ofcourse an admin if you don't feel like asking your tutor.

You can apply in this section of the forums:

Make sure you follow the Helper application format. If you don't, your application will be denied.
Best is to simply copy and paste the format and fill it out. Please use normal letters and colors instead of trying to make it look strange.

Minimum age requirement: 12 years or older.

@Mechz and I will be picking around 5 to 6 new helpers.
Also, make sure to read this thread by @11kobeer.

Apps are closing 28 february

Good luck!

- Cloakfox
I'm online at all time for most of the time I am a very helpful person and respect everyone I can speak english and dutch so I could help you if not np then :p
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