Staff Applications: Open

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Good Luck everyone! Have fun and if you get denied don't quit! There is always another chance. I also hope no one gets salty over the outcome. It annoys me just like the current presidential election. Luckily that's gonna be over soon but people will still be debating on how who ever wins.
@Hyllus 4 helper

Make this happen please.
I always think you are Cloakfox with that profile picture xD
Been a while since one of these, good luck to everyone who applies.
We all know you applies again... xD just kidding :p
Can u make the staff age requirement like 13 cuz i dont want 12 year olds telling me what i cant and cannot do @Slabo JK LOLOLOL
lol I'd apply again but people would shame me for pulling a "every foxcrafter who left for three months then came back to do helper apps" type scandal
That shouldn't really matter. It's mostly a joke m8, and I'm pretty sure you wouldn't be a horrible staff member. I don't remember you being one.
Hi Foxcrafters!

Due to several inactive staff resigning or being demoted, we are looking for more staff members!

You can apply in this section of the forums:

Make sure you follow the Helper application format. If you don't, your application will be denied.
The best option is to simply copy and paste the format and fill it out. Please use the default font and colors to make it easier for us to read.

Minimum age requirement: 12 years or older.

make sure to read this thread by @11kobeer before you create your application.

Applications will be closing 14th of November

I wish you all good luck!

- MechPotato
Silly of you to wish people luck as if its some kind of contest. You don't need luck to be helper you should be smart thats why we need everyone to show their support fir Hyllus.

Make this happen

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