Screensharing Isn't Useless

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Jul 14, 2016
Just making this thread to try to explain to Ek and C2O that screensharing is a great idea.
When a staff is suspicious of a player, they wouldn't allow the player to log out "5 minutes to join ts, logout=ban". If a player can't leave the server and they have a client like nodus on, it would be easy for a staff to ask the player to push f3 and find this. A player can't switch versions without leaving the server, and if they deleted their hacked client from their versions folder their game would crash which could still be considered logging out. This takes care of obvious clients like nodus and wurst.
As for external clients, once again a player wouldn't be able to leave the server before screensharing. If the player deleted the hacked client from his versions before screensharing, he would have to stop minecraft from running because it would say that the thing he was trying to delete is in use.
If a staff is good at screensharing, they will know all of the tricks to hide clients and easily be able to find them. Screensharing isn't just checking a player's .version folder. It is searching all of their files for anything suspicious. I understand why it would seem useless if all you would do is check the player's versions folder and f3, but if a staff member properly knows how to screenshare, they will be able to find any hacks in minutes.
Hope this cleared up any misunderstandings. My main point is that it is impossible for a player to delete a hacked client without leaving the server, and that an experienced staff would know all of the tricks to hide clients and search all of the player's files. Check out some screenshares on youtube if you are still confused on how staff can find hidden files...
It's not a great idea, they can still move folders while in the server, all they have to do is tab out. In fact, we had a player here a couple of years ago, got banned around 7 times, came back, was asked to screenshare, then renamed his hacked client to something not suspicious. Plus a staff asking someone to show all fo their fiiles is an invasion of privacy and is actually ILLEGAL. Stop trying to fight the staff, your idea is pointless and doesn't prove anything. The end, end of story
I can disguise folders (and the files) as other files. Not very efficient. xD

I hope saying that doesn't make people hackusate me. ;-;
1: players may not have skype.

2: clients can easley be deleted in 30 seconds.

3: clients can be easley disguised and hidden.

4: the staff methods for catching and banning hackers work perfectly fine. So just drop the topic.

1: players may not have skype.

2: clients can easley be deleted in 30 seconds.

3: clients can be easley disguised and hidden.

4: the staff methods for catching and banning hackers work perfectly fine. So just drop the topic.


I would actually like to discuss this topic. If EK, and C2O really knew a thing or two about screensharing, it is useful. There are hack checkers, and recent folders, etc. You can't just "delete" a hacked client, it is still on your computer, just in a different, more hidden folder. Also, players can download C2O, for your understanding, screenshares do not happen on skype, they happen on Also, screensharing would be useful to staff that are unsure of hacked clients or not. For an example, on time I was on an alt and was tempbanned by TotalMM and Dansors for a so called "Hacked Client". These types of situation would result in a screenshare, not an instant ban. So you can obviously see, screensharing is much more than looking at the mods folder of someone's Minecraft in a skype call, it is an actual process, currently being used by very popular servers like MineHQ, Viper, Badlion, etc.
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I would actually like to discuss this topic. If EK, and C2O really knew a thing or two about screensharing, it is useful. There are hack checkers, and recent folders, etc. You can't just "delete" a hacked client, it is still on your computer, just in a different, more hidden folder. Also, players can download C2O, for your understanding, screenshares do not happen on skype, they happen on Also, screensharing would be useful to staff that are unsure of hacked clients or not. For an example, on time I was on an alt and was tempbanned by TotalMM and Dansors for a so called "Hacked Client". These types of situation would result in a screenshare, not an instant ban. So you can obviously see, screensharing is much more than looking at the mods folder of someone's Minecraft in a skype call, it is an actual process, currently being used by very popular servers like MineHQ, Viper, Badlion, etc.
With all due respect, again, asking to view someone's personal files is invasion of privacy, which is illegal, we have done it before, which was ineffective, and in general, what we're doing now is working fine, especially since EK and I have banned so many hackers in the past through reports alone, and he banned so many more when he was staff, I'm sure that he can continue to do his job effectively, and saying that we need to implement a new system for finding hackers seems a bit insulting of his and the rest of the staff's skills to find and ban them.
k let me say this program screen sharing is worthless because you can just self detruct cleints like vape
With all due respect, again, asking to view someone's personal files is invasion of privacy, which is illegal, we have done it before, which was ineffective, and in general, what we're doing now is working fine, especially since EK and I have banned so many hackers in the past through reports alone, and he banned so many more when he was staff, I'm sure that he can continue to do his job effectively, and saying that we need to implement a new system for finding hackers seems a bit insulting of his and the rest of the staff's skills to find and ban them.
It is an invasion but they can simple decline the screen share and accept the ban, they server has the right to remove you at any given time under any given reason.
I know of the app, but before being screen shared, can't you just rename/delete/hide your client folder? lol
Even so, isn't recording a player with or without evidence faster than making a person download an app, then learn how to use it then go through the process of screen sharing? Also, servers like Viper, Badlion and MineHQ are entirely pvp based with no other non-pvp game modes so it wouldn't fit Foxcraft, which has servers such as survival, creative, prison, and as C2O stated the staff methods for catching hackers is fine.
Even so, isn't recording a player with or without evidence faster than making a person download an app, then learn how to use it then go through the process of screen sharing? Also, servers like Viper, Badlion and MineHQ are entirely pvp based with no other non-pvp game modes so it wouldn't fit Foxcraft, which has servers such as survival, creative, prison, and as C2O stated the staff methods for catching hackers is fine.
Catching hackers is sometimes a problem for staff. An example from my original message was that "highly" regarded staff such as TotalMM, Dansors, and Producing have all temp-banned/banned me on an alt for a so called "Hacked Client" like reach or kill aura. As you can see, these bans are not perfect. I wasn't hacking therefore I shouldn't have been banned. If a staff member is not entirely sure, they can screenshare the person. By the way, isn't an App. It is a small .zip file that allows other people to see your computer screen. There are only 2 buttons and you're ready to go.
Catching hackers is sometimes a problem for staff. An example from my original message was that "highly" regarded staff such as TotalMM, Dansors, and Producing have all temp-banned/banned me on an alt for a so called "Hacked Client" like reach or kill aura. As you can see, these bans are not perfect. I wasn't hacking therefore I shouldn't have been banned. If a staff member is not entirely sure, they can screenshare the person. By the way, isn't an App. It is a small .zip file that allows other people to see your computer screen. There are only 2 buttons and you're ready to go.
As someone who was here when Foxcraft had it's hacker epidemic around 2 years ago, and an EX H-patrol, finding a hacker isn't that hard, you just have to find someone suspicious, tail them for a bit, and see for yourself. Screenshare just adds an extra layer of complexity to a system that has worked fine in the past and still works fine. Me and Eric would always be in a skype call, calling out hackers, pointing out signs, combining our evidence, inspecting it, and seeing what to point out in each bit of evidence. We caught so many hackers, it was a reliable way to get hackers and report them. Like I said before, and I'm going to keep saying, screensharing is just not reliable enough to consider using as a be all, end all. Not to mention, some people install hacked clients for the hell of it for servers like the Hive, who do nothing about hackers, or single player. Not everyone installs hacks with malicious intent to go ruin other's fun, some just want to screw around with ****** mode, or just use xray in singleplayer without a recource pack. They might have one and just not be using it on the server. This system has the potential to falsely ban someone, just for having a client, even if they don't use it on Foxcraft. I cannot, in good conscious, say that this would be a reliable way of finding and banning hackers
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If you knew about screensharing, you freeze a player. And if they log out, they are banned. They cannot delete a hacked client if they are using it and their Java is open. If someone has a client on, it will be at the top of their recents folder, if they aren't, it won't. You are just bringing up simple problems that are already fixed. Don't you think that people have thought about this already? Especially, if this method is used on bigger servers? Also, when you were catching hackers with EK, you guys were probably not 100% right all of the time. And staff these days aren't always in a call when they are catching hackers. They have to make a decision to ban, or no. If they ban a false hacker, they still believe that they hack. But the victim is really not hacking. To prevent false bans, the screensharing rule is in place. Also, the intent of this system is not to screenshare every single hacker. If the hacks are blatant, you ban, but if they aren't, then you screenshare. Simple. I don't know why you are questioning it.
If you knew about screensharing, you freeze a player. And if they log out, they are banned. They cannot delete a hacked client if they are using it and their Java is open. If someone has a client on, it will be at the top of their recents folder, if they aren't, it won't. You are just bringing up simple problems that are already fixed. Don't you think that people have thought about this already? Especially, if this method is used on bigger servers? Also, when you were catching hackers with EK, you guys were probably not 100% right all of the time. And staff these days aren't always in a call when they are catching hackers. They have to make a decision to ban, or no. If they ban a false hacker, they still believe that they hack. But the victim is really not hacking. To prevent false bans, the screensharing rule is in place. Also, the intent of this system is not to screenshare every single hacker. If the hacks are blatant, you ban, but if they aren't, then you screenshare. Simple. I don't know why you are questioning it.
I am questioning it because it's a stupid idea, I'm done dancing around it, i'm being blunt now. It's against the law to demand someone to show you their private files. And hackers aren't brainless, they'll catch on. They will just rename their folders BEFORE they get on the server, and you can't prove anything then. Nothing is wrong with the current system, you just need to know what you're doing and what you're looking for. And if an admin falsely bans a hacker, that's what the ban appeal section is for. Of course me and Eric weren't right 100% of the time, but every time we reported a hacker, we got them banned. Period, end of sentence. The only times we were really "wrong" falls under the saying "Better safe than sorry", I.E. Reporting someone who might be hacking, but not entirely certain. Every time we would make a report, we would point out what hacks were used (Or we thought were being used), and every time we did, if they were hacking, they were banned. Screensharing isn't going to help, it's just going to make the report and ban process a lot longer, and a lot more inconsistent. It's not a reliable process, I don't see why that is so hard to see. Honestly, and those servers that you say are "Bigger", I've heard of 1, and it wasn't that big. Not to mention, hackers are common on that server last time I checked, so I feel like that says something about the system. It's more complicated than you think and is going to cause more problems than solve them. And, must I say again that it's ILLEGAL. If the police can't come into your house and search your private computer files, a minecraft server admin definitely isn't allowed to do that.
Please search up what screensharing is you keep bringing up problems that have already been addressed

I would actually like to discuss this topic. If EK, and C2O really knew a thing or two about screensharing, it is useful. There are hack checkers, and recent folders, etc. You can't just "delete" a hacked client, it is still on your computer, just in a different, more hidden folder. Also, players can download C2O, for your understanding, screenshares do not happen on skype, they happen on Also, screensharing would be useful to staff that are unsure of hacked clients or not. For an example, on time I was on an alt and was tempbanned by TotalMM and Dansors for a so called "Hacked Client". These types of situation would result in a screenshare, not an instant ban. So you can obviously see, screensharing is much more than looking at the mods folder of someone's Minecraft in a skype call, it is an actual process, currently being used by very popular servers like MineHQ, Viper, Badlion, etc.
[doublepost=1475862695,1475862495][/doublepost]Slabo and I and maybe Eftro are the only people here who know a damn thing about screensharing. Please stop putting my ideas down when you don't know jack **** about what screensharing is and how to do it, thanks.
[doublepost=1475862695,1475862495][/doublepost]Slabo and I and maybe Eftro are the only people here who know a damn thing about screensharing. Please stop putting my ideas down when you don't know jack **** about what screensharing is and how to do it, thanks.
this idea i sh1t lol jk funnily when @ExInfinity is haxing i can finally get him banned
With all due respect, again, asking to view someone's personal files is invasion of privacy, which is illegal, we have done it before, which was ineffective, and in general, what we're doing now is working fine, especially since EK and I have banned so many hackers in the past through reports alone, and he banned so many more when he was staff, I'm sure that he can continue to do his job effectively, and saying that we need to implement a new system for finding hackers seems a bit insulting of his and the rest of the staff's skills to find and ban them.
Are you joking? You know how many hackers still play Foxcraft and have played for years? Also, it isn't an invasion of privacy. When you said this, it made me want to smash my head into a wall. The player being screenshared controls their screen, doesn't have to give control to the staff member, and can refuse to go into a certain file if it contains private information. Also, the whole reason for screensharing is to check if someone is hacking if it isn't a blatant decision.
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