Who's the best faction player?

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Mar 8, 2016
Who is the best factions player on the server or that use to play a lot in your opinions?
"Don't say your self"
I think personally one of the best factions players was my friend Runbutterrun mainly because she knew how to build "Good" Bases/Grinders at the time
Who is the best factions player on the server or that use to play a lot in your opinions?
"Don't say your self"
I think personally one of the best factions players was my friend Runbutterrun mainly because she knew how to build "Good" Bases/Grinders at the time
I don't mean to sound arrogant but I refer to myself as one of the best on Foxcraft. I think this because I make good connections with players and ally everyone I can. I also say this because I help new people out by giving them supplies and help from the start so their experience is better. Farms, Grinders, and Bases with walls are always fun projects for me on Foxcraft Factions. I have been playing for a while and know Foxcraft pretty well. So there are my reasons! :D
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I don't mean to sound arrogant but I refer to myself as one of the best on Foxcraft. I think this because I make good connections with players and ally everyone I can. I also say this because I help new people out by giving them supplies and help from the start so their experience is better. Farms, Grinder, and Bases with walls are always fun projects for me on Foxcraft Factions. I have been playing for a while and know Foxcraft pretty well. So there are my reasons! :D
You must not play factions at all
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ChaseDarkHammer BowTieSparklez and Crazy_Penguin1
To be honest all are bad ^_^

Lots of good players
I don't mean to sound arrogant but I refer to myself as one of the best on Foxcraft. I think this because I make good connections with players and ally everyone I can. I also say this because I help new people out by giving them supplies and help from the start so their experience is better. Farms, Grinder, and Bases with walls are always fun projects for me on Foxcraft Factions. I have been playing for a while and know Foxcraft pretty well. So there are my reasons! :D
please shhh xD
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Kyle, THE OLD OLD FACTIONS! like in mid junes.. you and cactusjones69 2v1ed everyone! you had like 1k axe lvl.... which was pretty op.. you scammed people.. you had 30 mil, so you were op... ^_^

They are good players I know all of them.
I 3v1 them and my armor turns out yellow after the 3v1 :)
I remember runbutterrun......... The old days of factions. I is the best player cause I knows how to do factions gud. I maked a tnt canun gud once
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