Pokemon Starters Choice

Which Starter?

  • Gettin' lit w/ Litten!

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • Rowlet with the fan favourite! :P

    Votes: 3 60.0%
  • Popplio 5 life!

    Votes: 1 20.0%

  • Total voters
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Pokemon Sun and Moon's release date has been announced, as well as the starters. @Willturner5.2 <---- xD
So, I was wondering what you thought of each. Please vote in the poll.
Popplio for life! :D
All aboard the Hype train! *Hype Hype*.......(Soon later as Falloutknight finally clicks the links he realizes that they all look ugly)
Litten and Rowlet are the first 2 chosen, and are currently the most popular. Rowlet seems to be a fan favourite, with Litten as a close second. Meanwhile, no one likes Popplio xD I do tho, water types 5 life!
Move back, guys! Are you that 30 year old guy at tourneys wearing a pikachu shirt stained with tomato sauce?
Hahahaha no but I used to be in the top #100 of competitive battlers (at least one of my friends told me, I still don't believe him xd).
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