Kitpvp got ruined for me ages ago. I remember the days with 2 kits for non-donators. ! of them being kit fighter and the other one being kit archer. I also remember the old skyfox, yes skyfox and up kits.
@Faast already named wingman, but we can't forget kit bull and kit barbarian. Those where the days. Me now thinking about it, I once got a 50 killstreak with kit bull which was impressive back then. Now it's the easiest thing in the world which sucks in my eyes

. But yeah I and among others asked countless times for this kitpvp to be brought back but got denied every time we asked for it. So I let this peace of history rest and move on. We probably should do the same with the current kitpvp all do we all dislike it. Cloak's decision is on hold no matter how much suggestions we make.