Bro i want to get unbanned can a admin please unban me i did nothing wrong :(

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May 14, 2024
@fweef accused me for [ 1st Offence Hacked Client] because i wasn't taking any knockback and he didn't let me explain anything about me not knowing it...and i don't even know how somebody could not take any knockback while pvping. and i made a ban appeal and i would like to be unbanned because i did not deserve that. @fweef if you see this, i would like to tell you that i didn't hack anything. If I'm being honest, i don't even know anything about hacking and normally when people hack they get caught very easily so i would not do that to myself lmao...anyways i really deserve to be unbanned so fweef please unban me or any other adminstator seeing this, i would really appreciate it...@arek0924 if you see this, tell fweef that i did nothing wrong...because i really didn't...:(

The only thing to do now is being patient.
It might take a while for then to review the appeal and respond.
And you stated and I quote "he didn't let me explain anything of bot knowing it" which I now wonder why you didn't explain it here in this post.
In addition, not noticing having no knockback is pretty impossible.
The only thing to do now is being patient.
It might take a while for then to review the appeal and respond.
And you stated and I quote "he didn't let me explain anything of bot knowing it" which I now wonder why you didn't explain it here in this post.
In addition, not noticing having no knockback is pretty impossible.
i really didn't realise it i promise...i am innocent i didn't do anything, like how could a twelve year old like me know what was going on and plus i only started playing minecraft 6 months ago and i never watched tutorials about minecraft pvp so i barely know what knockback is...
like dzultra said just wait even i got perm banned for advertising even though i just told my friend to join a server we both already knew existed so i dont know how that is advertising and also i /msged so it would not count as advertisment cause i only told my friend
like dzultra said just wait even i got perm banned for advertising even though i just told my friend to join a server we both already knew existed so i dont know how that is advertising and also i /msged so it would not count as advertisment cause i only told my friend
i waited for the past 3 weeks buddy
Mine got reduced to 10 days and urs 3days bruh not fair :(
thats because i was innocent in the first place buddy u prob used autoclicker or use some other hacks thats prob why because adminsrators and senior moderators have clips of you doing something sus lmaooooooo
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