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This is what I think should happen. Agree or disagree with me.

@DontLie - Trial-Staff
@Krosi - Staff
@Fanciness - Demote for inactivity. (Sorry but it's true). :(
@Idkaname8 - Trial-Staff (So much previous experience staffing.)

Micm - Owner :/

Although I really do think Krosi should be staff, perhaps it would be best to wait a little more? She received it less than a month ago, and I feel like others have been trial for much longer. Of course, it's not my decision and you can have a totally different viewpoint. Just please. No flame war.
Although I really do think Krosi should be staff, perhaps it would be best to wait a little more? She received it less than a month ago, and I feel like others have been trial for much longer. Of course, it's not my decision and you can have a totally different viewpoint. Just please. No flame war.

All the Mods were promoted on the same date, AlainM Snoopysims and Krosi, Don't quote me on this but I doubt anyone will be promoted anytime soon, Maybe a month after Helper Application is out, I guess there is more likely for more active Helper(s) to get promoted to Mod(s) than Mod(s) becoming Admin
All the Mods were promoted on the same date, AlainM Snoopysims and Krosi, Don't quote me on this but I doubt anyone will be promoted anytime soon, Maybe a month after Helper Application is out, I guess there is more likely for more active Helper(s) to get promoted to Mod(s) than Mod(s) becoming Admin
People have been promoted really fast before. I mean look at Ryan, he went from H-Patrol, to trial-staff to staff in I think a month an a half? then 2 months later he got OP
All the Mods were promoted on the same date, AlainM Snoopysims and Krosi, Don't quote me on this but I doubt anyone will be promoted anytime soon, Maybe a month after Helper Application is out, I guess there is more likely for more active Helper(s) to get promoted to Mod(s) than Mod(s) becoming Admin
I'd totally agree. I feel like there should be more time to consider everyone, not just Krosi.
People have been promoted really fast before. I mean look at Ryan, he went from H-Patrol, to trial-staff to staff in I think a month an a half? then 2 months later he got OP

That's true but since we have a new Manager it'll be a lot more strict and different as I'm assuming and possibly more handpicked Helpers than accepting players through Application process.

I think staff members getting promoted isn't important as of now and since staff were promoted a month ago It's less likely for them to be promoted anytime soon but probably after the server has been fully upgraded and changed then the possibility of promotion might happen

just my opinion
That's true but since we have a new Manager it'll be a lot more strict and different as I'm assuming and possibly more handpicked Helpers than accepting players through Application process.

I think staff members getting promoted isn't important as of now and since staff were promoted a month ago It's less likely for them to be promoted anytime soon but probably after the server has been fully upgraded and changed then the possibility of promotion might happen

just my opinion
Well I hear the server will be getting yet another popularity boost. So I assume helper apps might come out soon, and possibly a few weeks/months after helper apps come out, just then promotions will be made.

I agree, as of right now staff being promoted is the least of Leon and Affixes worries. They just need to focus on working on the new kitpvp and updating the rest of the server.

Also just my opinion. :p
The chances of me getting Trial soon is like me getting Owner tag LOL #Wishfulthinking though
Watch, I knew you were going to get Helper and I know you are going to get Trial Staff because you deserve it!
EDIT: Soon? Yeah not soon because you got Helper not to long ago :P
Uhh, I'm on vacation at the moment. As @Krosi said, I am usually extremely active but I'm away from my PC at the moment.
Activity shouldn't be a number one priority,it's more there job to help players out and sometimes a question asked by the player takes a little while to get a answer. So I do not think Fanciness should be demoted. About all the other potential promotions, yes I personally am a fan of the promotions. But maybe Alain and snoopy should be promoted aswell to full staff, and some other helpers promoted to trial.
People have been promoted really fast before. I mean look at Ryan, he went from H-Patrol, to trial-staff to staff in I think a month an a half? then 2 months later he got OP
You think Ryan got staff quick? He deserved it, he was on the server for over a year before getting staff, and like me, he had like 400 reports. And was a good HPatrol. Use Nook for example if you want to show that someone got staff quick! :)
@Dansors Trial Staff and @Krosi for Staff! :)
No, although I like Dansors. He is very new to being staff, someone like yourself deserves it twice as much as him Jaywiz...
I mean, in time he'll be perfect. Sometimes you just need more experience.
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