About The Reset... {RANT}

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Mar 7, 2016

Well, as most of you know, KitPvP has been reset.

And as most of you know, some are happy, while others are extremely aggravated that this has happened.

This reset was well needed, there hasn't been a reset in awhile, and we needed a new economy balance as it was so imbalanced and we needed to fix donor permissions as Foxking, Shadowfox, Donator, VIP+, Skyfox, and MysticFox had no to minimal permissions.

KitPvP has definitely become more on the side of P2W (Pay to Win), which isn't 100% true. You can definitely buy diamond gear or recieve it from players, or buy a donor rank.

Some players have gone to the extreme by calling cloakfox rude terms and slurs, you really need to take a chill pill. It's a game. *cough* @Michael // GlazedPup *cough*

The kit fighter cool-down is obnoxious. People constantly spam the sign causing major entity lag at spawn.

Playervaults have been decreased, which I personally think is fair enough.

Kits you now have to pay for, which is GOOD. Hear me out before you quote this and get all pissy.

Before, kits had extremely obnoxious cooldowns, right? Well now, you can have the kit *almost* anytime you want. Cool-downs have decreased to 1 hour, and you can purchase any kit for $25, which is easy money for anyone that's good at pvp.

The tokens, points, etc are fine. I'm just confused what to do with points.

Just to leave this off on a good/bad note, if you dislike the update, leave and take your ungrateful self to another server. Cloakfox and Jesse work extremely hard to get this stuff for us and you people are so ******* rude and harsh to them, IT'S A GAME. IT'S LEON'S SERVER. LEON HAS THE RIGHT TO DO WHAT HE WANTS TO DO WITH HIS SERVER. I'm pretty sure, if you had your own little $5 a month server with terrible connection, you'd ******* make your own choices for yourself, Cloak doesn't have to do this stuff for us. You need to be grateful that he doesn't just ban you like Connor would.

Anyway, thanks for reading. Leave your replies below. xoxo​
Well, as most of you know, KitPvP has been reset.

And as most of you know, some are happy, while others are extremely aggravated that this has happened.

This reset was well needed, there hasn't been a reset in awhile, and we needed a new economy balance as it was so imbalanced and we needed to fix donor permissions as Foxking, Shadowfox, Donator, VIP+, Skyfox, and MysticFox had no to minimal permissions.

KitPvP has definitely become more on the side of P2W (Pay to Win), which isn't 100% true. You can definitely buy diamond gear or recieve it from players, or buy a donor rank.

Some players have gone to the extreme by calling cloakfox rude terms and slurs, you really need to take a chill pill. It's a game. *cough* @Michael // GlazedPup *cough*

The kit fighter cool-down is obnoxious. People constantly spam the sign causing major entity lag at spawn.

Playervaults have been decreased, which I personally think is fair enough.

Kits you now have to pay for, which is GOOD. Hear me out before you quote this and get all pissy.

Before, kits had extremely obnoxious cooldowns, right? Well now, you can have the kit *almost* anytime you want. Cool-downs have decreased to 1 hour, and you can purchase any kit for $25, which is easy money for anyone that's good at pvp.

The tokens, points, etc are fine. I'm just confused what to do with points.

Just to leave this off on a good/bad note, if you dislike the update, leave and take your ungrateful self to another server. Cloakfox and Jesse work extremely hard to get this stuff for us and you people are so ******* rude and harsh to them, IT'S A GAME. IT'S LEON'S SERVER. LEON HAS THE RIGHT TO DO WHAT HE WANTS TO DO WITH HIS SERVER. I'm pretty sure, if you had your own little $5 a month server with terrible connection, you'd ******* make your own choices for yourself, Cloak doesn't have to do this stuff for us. You need to be grateful that he doesn't just ban you like Connor would.

Anyway, thanks for reading. Leave your replies below. xoxo​
So basically you're saying that you'll play whatever half- eaten scrap is thrown at you? I, myself, find the reset to be disagreeable. For one thing I feel as if the benefits I got on kitpvp when I bought Skyfox were scammed from right under me. You're right about one thing though, KitPvP is now Pay to Win.
I'm one of the old pvpers who used to play real pvp now I don't know what this is and I could care less it is indeed a Pay to Win and newbies stand 0% CHANCE to win especially with extra hearts like I could go AFK or finish typing a sentence while people try and take my health down then clean them up. Say bye to fair 1v1's it is basically over especially with OP kits and diamond added. First people complain about getting killed by people in diamond and now the solution is to give Ranks full diamond? Don't even get me started with this reset I could go on forever.
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Harsh, but I'm not very upset about this things will be fine if we just move on. c:
I don't recall ever seeing you on kitpvp, do you play on it much? Also.. it will be hard to "move on" when I can barely stand to play it in the pitiful state it's in. Diamond campers all over the place, kits strewn here and there, and last but not least- lag.
Well, as most of you know, KitPvP has been reset.

And as most of you know, some are happy, while others are extremely aggravated that this has happened.

This reset was well needed, there hasn't been a reset in awhile, and we needed a new economy balance as it was so imbalanced and we needed to fix donor permissions as Foxking, Shadowfox, Donator, VIP+, Skyfox, and MysticFox had no to minimal permissions.

KitPvP has definitely become more on the side of P2W (Pay to Win), which isn't 100% true. You can definitely buy diamond gear or recieve it from players, or buy a donor rank.

Some players have gone to the extreme by calling cloakfox rude terms and slurs, you really need to take a chill pill. It's a game. *cough* @Michael // GlazedPup *cough*

The kit fighter cool-down is obnoxious. People constantly spam the sign causing major entity lag at spawn.

Playervaults have been decreased, which I personally think is fair enough.

Kits you now have to pay for, which is GOOD. Hear me out before you quote this and get all pissy.

Before, kits had extremely obnoxious cooldowns, right? Well now, you can have the kit *almost* anytime you want. Cool-downs have decreased to 1 hour, and you can purchase any kit for $25, which is easy money for anyone that's good at pvp.

The tokens, points, etc are fine. I'm just confused what to do with points.

Just to leave this off on a good/bad note, if you dislike the update, leave and take your ungrateful self to another server. Cloakfox and Jesse work extremely hard to get this stuff for us and you people are so ******* rude and harsh to them, IT'S A GAME. IT'S LEON'S SERVER. LEON HAS THE RIGHT TO DO WHAT HE WANTS TO DO WITH HIS SERVER. I'm pretty sure, if you had your own little $5 a month server with terrible connection, you'd ******* make your own choices for yourself, Cloak doesn't have to do this stuff for us. You need to be grateful that he doesn't just ban you like Connor would.

Anyway, thanks for reading. Leave your replies below. xoxo​

If we dislike the update we get a say, we are the players of the server. You do not simply ignore feedback.

Anyways there is no vaults for normal players, tokens? why tokens, like you can barely get op by having money anymore.. Don't even get me started on the increase of health. The fight is just luck now or should I say money. There isn't even [member] rank kits, and with that there will be no stimulus to join the forums. In my opinion this update has changed the Kitpvp server too much for anyone's liking. It was supposed to be a fun game where new people can fight each other FAIRLY. If you think about it, new players will loose interest almost in an instant as they haven't got a rank and have died each and every time they jump down because of the spawn camping diamond people that they wouldn't have a chance against anyways. I understand you should get your moneys worth, but lets be realistic.
Was this a reset or a update? The cool down on the kits before the reset was an inconvenience, but at least before you were able to access all your kits that you initially got with the purchase of your rank. Kit knight is now only for people with mysticFox and up.. I have a shadowfox rank and I used to have access to that kit but now I have to spend money to get a higher rank to reobtain previous perks.. "PayToWin."
Was this a reset or a update? The cool down on the kits before the reset was an inconvenience, but at least before you were able to access all your kits that you initially got with the purchase of your rank. Kit knight is now only for people with mysticFox and up.. I have a shadowfox rank and I used to have access to that kit but now I have to spend money to get a higher rank to reobtain previous perks.. "PayToWin."
It's a reset and a update :P
Everyone asked for a less op kitpvp, but we got the exact ******* opposite,
@Affixes You fucked up the server

@cloakfox You let @Affixes turn the server to a **** hole.



MY point is that this server is **** and overrated now.

Foxcraft has been corrupted by this ****.

And the people who like it? Well..

**** you...

Point being: thanks for ******* everything up.

P.S: idc if you warn meh cos I'm quitting, dis server is corrupted.

(@TGMDom got FUCKED by affixes cause he's an idiot.. dom makes a joke.. "I wonder if my speed hacks work" "yep they do" (not hacking) GETS BANNED!)

@Affixes pls die

ok thx
Everyone asked for a less op kitpvp, but we got the exact ******* opposite,
@Affixes You fucked up the server

@cloakfox You let @Affixes turn thud server to a **** hole.



MY point is that this server is **** and overrated now.

Foxcraft has been corrupted by this ****.

And the people who like it? Well..

**** you...

Point being: thanks for ******* everything up.

P.S: idc if you warn meh cos I'm quitting, dis server is corrupted.

(@TGMDom got FUCKED by affixes cause he's an idiot.. dom makes a joke.. "I wonder if my speed hacks work" "yep they do" (not hacking) GETS BANNED!)

@Affixes pls die

ok thx
Enjoy the ban, and thanks for not making any suggestions or bug reports. Helped us out a lot.
Most helpfull player award 2k16 goes to glazedkid.
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So basically you're saying that you'll play whatever half- eaten scrap is thrown at you? I, myself, find the reset to be disagreeable. For one thing I feel as if the benefits I got on kitpvp when I bought Skyfox were scammed from right under me. You're right about one thing though, KitPvP is now Pay to Win.
Wait where are your suggestions? Oh right can't find em.
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