Giving away (almost) everything I own on Glacier and Vulcan Oneblock servers!

Jul 3, 2021
I've made a fair bit of progress and I've done a lot between the two servers, so I've made the decision that I'm bored of grinding day in and day out just farming. It's gotten boring and repetitive. I loved the server for the time I've been here, but it's time for me to move on, so before I do I want to make sure my items don't go to waste / get let sitting around doing nothing, thus I made this decision. I should have fun giving it away!
On glacier:
I have lots of minions spawners I don't feel like listing...

On Vulcan: I have $200M lots of spawners and minions, again... too many to list and I don't feel like do it :D

The giveaway will end on November 5th, at 4am EST (since that's when I get on)

How to enter? Simple, post a comment stating why you want to win, and what you'd do with what's given out, also react with a emoji so it's easier to see how many people have entered.

Only one winner per server, using a Random Number Generator based on the number that entered.
Please specify which server you are entering for, or both, your IGN (if not the same as what's on the forums)

WInners will be posted after the giveaway time has ended.
Hello, first of all I would like to thank you for the nice time we had together. We have been through a lot on oneblock vulcan. Most of them are also beautiful memories. The reason I am participating in your giveaway is that I have a lot of open investments and that will definitely help me. and the gamemode giveaway that I would like to enter is obvulcan. My ingame name is xDark_M and my Discord name is xDark_M#3815. :eek:

We will miss you on the server
Kind regards xDark_M
I want to participate in this giveaway because I am still a beginner on oneblock. I sometimes play oneblock vulcan but mostly you will find me on kingdoms. oneblock vulcan

ign: aquaariuss
discord: Dilhan19_#81777
hey celestial i had a great time with you on the server and hope to see you again in the future.
if i win i would use everything for the same reason as you.
make a lot of public areas to help others public spawners shops etc.
i hope you will have as much fun on other servers as you had on Foxcraft
people will miss you and everything that you did for us
sadly after al those fun times and after all the trades we did and had our ways seperate but not for always we will stay in contact

kind regards

ign poema05and you know my discord;)

we will miss you:(:)

playing on vulcan
I would like to join for both servers because the things could help me out a ton.

Goodbye, Celestial.

Ign: thX_dXrknXss

Discord: BobFNF#2936 if you would like to friend me on Discord.
hi celestial! i’d like to enter the ob vulcan one :)

it’s really sweet of you to do a giveaway like this!! I wish you all the luck with everything :)

winning would help me out a lot with expenses and all :)

my ign is sstrawberryy and my discord is sstrawberryy#7979
:cool: <3
Heyyy itssss meeee!! I’m hoping to get some miners and some creeper and do spawners!! You know imma miss you!! Keep me posted!!
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I appreciate all the help you’ve provided the past couple weeks, sorry to see you go, Goodluck with whatever you plan on pursuing with your time :)
Also I’d prefer to enter on glacier please <3

Mc: Hexifical (Hexi)
Discord: Hexifical#5626
Sorry to see you go! Thank you for all of the help you've provided within the past couple weeks.

MC: DarlingTodoroki
Discord: Darling Kakashi#9646
There goes the competition :( Hope you have fun wherever you end up. Do take care.
Sheeps and pigs and any spawners to help the public mob farms would be appreciated, along with minions for the shop for supplies for peeps.
MC: TwilightVixen
Disc: TwilightVixen
I've made a fair bit of progress and I've done a lot between the two servers, so I've made the decision that I'm bored of grinding day in and day out just farming. It's gotten boring and repetitive. I loved the server for the time I've been here, but it's time for me to move on, so before I do I want to make sure my items don't go to waste / get let sitting around doing nothing, thus I made this decision. I should have fun giving it away!
On glacier:
I have lots of minions spawners I don't feel like listing...

On Vulcan: I have $200M lots of spawners and minions, again... too many to list and I don't feel like do it :D

The giveaway will end on November 5th, at 4am EST (since that's when I get on)

How to enter? Simple, post a comment stating why you want to win, and what you'd do with what's given out, also react with a emoji so it's easier to see how many people have entered.

Only one winner per server, using a Random Number Generator based on the number that entered.
Please specify which server you are entering for, or both, your IGN (if not the same as what's on the forums)

WInners will be posted after the giveaway time has ended.
If I won I would first of all thank u a lot xD. Then I might do a small giveaway to make someone else feel happy then I would start making stuff to help the comunit
I would like to win this giveaway. If i won i would be able to make a quite a large shopping area for some of the newer players in the Vulcan server.
I've made a fair bit of progress and I've done a lot between the two servers, so I've made the decision that I'm bored of grinding day in and day out just farming. It's gotten boring and repetitive. I loved the server for the time I've been here, but it's time for me to move on, so before I do I want to make sure my items don't go to waste / get let sitting around doing nothing, thus I made this decision. I should have fun giving it away!
On glacier:
I have lots of minions spawners I don't feel like listing...

On Vulcan: I have $200M lots of spawners and minions, again... too many to list and I don't feel like do it :D

The giveaway will end on November 5th, at 4am EST (since that's when I get on)

How to enter? Simple, post a comment stating why you want to win, and what you'd do with what's given out, also react with a emoji so it's easier to see how many people have entered.

Only one winner per server, using a Random Number Generator based on the number that entered.
Please specify which server you are entering for, or both, your IGN (if not the same as what's on the forums)

WInners will be posted after the giveaway time has ended.

Username: JackEaston19
Server: Glacier
Discord: JackEaston19#1455
Id like to win to upgrade and expand my island
I've made a fair bit of progress and I've done a lot between the two servers, so I've made the decision that I'm bored of grinding day in and day out just farming. It's gotten boring and repetitive. I loved the server for the time I've been here, but it's time for me to move on, so before I do I want to make sure my items don't go to waste / get let sitting around doing nothing, thus I made this decision. I should have fun giving it away!
On glacier:
I have lots of minions spawners I don't feel like listing...

On Vulcan: I have $200M lots of spawners and minions, again... too many to list and I don't feel like do it :D

The giveaway will end on November 5th, at 4am EST (since that's when I get on)

How to enter? Simple, post a comment stating why you want to win, and what you'd do with what's given out, also react with a emoji so it's easier to see how many people have entered.

Only one winner per server, using a Random Number Generator based on the number that entered.
Please specify which server you are entering for, or both, your IGN (if not the same as what's on the forums)

WInners will be posted after the giveaway time has ended.
I would like to win this giveaway, because I am online a lot at /obglacier and I want to grow and make a nice wwarp with all the trimmings.
If I win you have my full respect <3
Server: Obglacier
My IGN: Fatoee /most ppl know me as [PuurNatuur]
My Dc: PuurNatuur#9144
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Reactions: Assiee and SlowDown
i would like to win this give away because it will help me make big farms for all players and create massive buildings and structures
Username: adamplayz_yt
Discord: Trixzy_adam#4750
Server: Vulcan
I would love to win the giveaway because if I do win I will share it with my friends.
Hi :)

Do not know you, :(, Sorry you are so bored,
I just started on one block, vulcan, so do not know much about it,
Hope life treats you well, Stay safe out there. Good luck.
