Hello everyone!
I've been working on this for a long time now, but I am happy to announce that there is a new skyblock coming to Foxcraft that will replace the current Skyblock Vulcan. Skyblock Glacier has been rebranded to skyblock classic and will not reset nor are there plans for that in the near future.
New custom skyblock spawn made by @QuoraCII
Whats new and or changed?
- Upgrade-able minions
- 10 custom player made islands
- 1.15.2
- New pvp area (intergrated into spawn) (1.8 pvp)
- Ores will now only spawn in cobblestone generators if you have rabbit rank. Players without that rank can get ores at /warp mine
- Recoded gamble games (cf, rps, jackpot) without exploits
- New parkour
- New revamped crates with all new rewards
- Improved scoreboard (that shows correctly on any version)
- Improved help menu
- Players can change biome on their islands now
- Players can now toggle team chat with island members
- Daily rewards
- Better pinata rewards
- FoxGod & FoxGoddess kits
Release dates:
April 29 1PM CET (Closed beta access for FoxGods and FoxGoddesses only)
May 1st 4PM CET Server reset and server opening for everybody!
As with any server reset, you will only be keeping your rank.
PS: Please make sure to read this thread again next week as things can change in the course of next week.
Thanks for reading,
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