Hello survivors, i've recently started with the participation of Kaos, making long highways in the nether for the players to travel easily long distances, as 2b2t does, i'm asking for your support to help building the highways, most importantly, the ones already started, diagonals highways may be started if a lot of people supports the project
The coords starts at 0,0, the center of the world, avalaible at /wwarp AudictionRecords , i'd like that the wwarp become the very first wwarp at /wwarp menu, so all new players can easily travel, have a way to bypass /wild cooldown

The coords starts at 0,0, the center of the world, avalaible at /wwarp AudictionRecords , i'd like that the wwarp become the very first wwarp at /wwarp menu, so all new players can easily travel, have a way to bypass /wild cooldown